“The future is composed of thoughts not yet materialized. We have the choice to create our future or let it be created by our indecision.”
Raymon Grace
Viitorul apartine celor care doresc sa-l construiasca, Dar nu poti construi viitorul in viitor. El trebuie construit acum. Cu cat mai ambitioase sunt visele tale, cu atat mai devreme trebuie sa incepi sa le transpui in realitate.
Viitorul e al vostru.
Incepeti de azi sa il construiti asa cum vreti. “PLAY ON! For Sport, For Friendship, For Life” Project, with a total eligible value of 116,286 Euro, contributed to strengthen values, cultural identity and intercultural dialogue by promoting a spirit of fair play and social harmony through sport. Within the project, 2 matchmaking seminars were organized in Veliko Tarnovo and Slatina, attended by representatives of local schools, sport teachers and other stakeholders. In addition,; a sport competition which featured contest inincluding 4 main sport disciplines – track and fieldathletics, football, handball and table tennis and , as well as a series of other sportsdisciplines and games took place. These events were an opportunity to promote the benefits of sports and culture among the young people.